Navigating Your Baby's Developmental Milestones from 6 to 12 Months | Kaydee News Blog

Navigating Your Baby's Developmental Milestones from 6 to 12 Months

The journey from 6 to 12 months is a transformative period in your baby's life, filled with new experiences and developmental milestones. This stage is often referred to as the 'doing' stage, where your baby learns to interact with their environment in more complex ways.

From rolling over to saying their first words, each milestone is a new adventure. But what should you look out for, and how can you support your baby's growth? Let's dive in.

developmental milestones

Physical Milestones

6 Months
  • Sitting with Support: Your baby will start sitting with some assistance.
  • Teething Begins: The first teeth may start to appear.
9 Months
  • Crawling: Your baby will likely start to crawl.
  • Self-Feeding: They may begin to feed themselves with their hands.
12 Months
  • Walking: Many babies take their first steps around this age.
  • Pincer Grasp: Your baby will learn to pick things up using their thumb and forefinger.

Emotional Milestones

6 Months
  • Stranger Anxiety: Your baby may start to show anxiety around unfamiliar people.
  • Attachment: They will show a strong attachment to primary caregivers.
12 Months
  • Separation Anxiety: Your baby may experience anxiety when separated from you.
  • Emotion Recognition: They will start to understand and react to other people's emotions.

Social Milestones

6 Months
  • Recognition: Your baby will recognize familiar faces.
  • Interactive Games: They will enjoy games like peek-a-boo.
12 Months
  • Social Preferences: Your baby will show a preference for certain people and toys.
  • Purposeful Play: They will play with toys in a more purposeful manner.

Cognitive Milestones

6-9 Months
  • Object Permanence: Your baby will start to understand that objects continue to exist even when out of sight.
  • Sound Imitation: They will imitate sounds and actions.
9-12 Months
  • Simple Commands: Your baby will start to understand simple commands like "no."
  • Word Recognition: They will begin to recognize and respond to their name and other familiar words.

When to Seek Help

If you notice that your baby:

  • Is not responding to familiar voices and sounds
  • Is not turning their head towards sounds
  • Is not babbling or making expected noises

It may be time to consult a healthcare provider for a developmental assessment.

Kay-Dee Educare and Daycare Cape Town

At Kay-Dee Educare, we are dedicated to supporting your child's development. Our team is trained to identify and nurture each child's unique developmental needs. We provide a safe and stimulating environment where your child can explore, learn, and grow.

Contact us to find out more about our educare centre which is situated in Mowbray, Cape Town.

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